The history of The Nuer Nation

Great Nation has great history, Greatness of a nation started with writing of its history, however history of nation keeps nations on track and to direction. Any nation whose history is not written is at the peak of downward spiral with regard to its destiny, dream and direction.

The brief History of Nuer Nation John Kassara photo credit the African history

Great Nation has great history, Greatness of a nation started with writing of its history, however history of nation keeps nations on track and to direction. Any nation whose history is not written is at the peak of downward spiral with regard to its destiny, dream and direction.

There is a Nuer historical outline below, each with brief descriptions. This project is for ambitious Nuer to participate to promote and fund it. It goes like this.

Around years, (C.5000 to 1000 BCE) was the first step of Nuer Nation history which kick off from the place they called Maar to Kuerkuong and later to Tharjaith Leich (gathering point). The Leichland settlement begin by Naath.
This period is called mythological account at Nile basin where Nuer myth and concept of creation emerges.

Years BCE 1000 to C. 1600 CE), second step in Nuer history was a Period in which Nuer people settled at gathering point at Tharjiath. That period is called permanent settlement period where Nguot was made. Branches of Nguot were Moun, Tang, Thuc, Wud-hok and Booth to govern their lives and to avoid escalation to anarchy. Muon mean the land, Tang defend, Thuc forestry and grassing, Wud-hok animals, Booth divisible rights for equity.

Years 1000 BCE to 1600 CE, Naath judicial system and social political structure became even more established. There was a silence period in which Nuer people were defending and protecting their mainland in the west Bank of the Nile. In that period European westphalian’s Nation-state established already to end the thirty to eighty years war in Europe. International law and concept of sovereignty began by Westphalia treaty. Berlin conference that will affect Nuer Nation by scramble of Africa is about to start.

Years 1700s to 1818 is a third step in Nuer history, Minor Expansion which was caused by an ecological changes such as flooding, population increase and the search for resources started (Douglas H. Johnson, 1982).
As Naath increased in number at Ciengnath earlier during the 1st BCE the area was increasingly populated. The land had become denser during 17th to 18th centuries CE which caused migration. That made Naath to divide their fronts. There were four frontiers spread from the small watery area at Tharjiath Leich present Koch County to different fronts to the South, East, west and the North. It is called in our term as a minor territorial expansion. During minor territorial expansion, Nuer begin to wider their territory with Bul frontier going toward the west, Leek to the North west and Jikany to North East, Jagei, Thiang, Laak and Lou remained at Tharjiath Leich while Gawar, Nyuong, Haak, Baeh, Dok, Kuey and Jakaar toward the Southern frontier. That territorial expansion led to current western Munnath or Ciengnath.

Years 1817-1860, the fourth step in Nuer history is called Nuer conquest and full settlement in the east. This is called Nuer major conquest to the east to differentiate it from Nuer previous minor territorial expansion at western Nile but also the scale of political impact that conquest was different. Raymond Kelly (1987) think the major Nuer conquest to the East kick off in 1818 motivated by “bridewealth”. Remember, that whenever Nuer moved, they first send spies called (Liim) to discover the land and the easy routes to cross the Nile before to kick off toward the east. At Ciengnath, Chol Geey Diing was among strong leaders ever existed at west Nile before territorial conquest. Nuer expansion was coincidently was on by the time when seven Europeans Nations extended their territorial Conquest to Africa. Discovery of gunpowder contributed to European superiority over Africans during their Conquest.

Years 1860-1870, the fifth step in Nuer history. It was Nuer contact with Turko-Egyptian at Zeraf Valleys. During CE 1840s Nuer frontiers at the east settled fully but they did not cease to advance until 1940s by establishment of administrative system and tribal Boundaries imposed by Anglo-Egyptians condominium. Nuer sees the most strangers, by Egyptians explorer Flotila in 1839 for the first time apart of Dinka and Anuak (Johnson, p, 509). Remember as you read, the Nuer history is not about Sudan’s history but about events made by Nuer Nation throughout their life from ancient Nuer to 19th century. At this point Nuer Nation is not part of Sudan yet, but a homogenous Country proudly independent. Italian Administrator Casati once wrote “Nuer had once been a peaceful and amiable Nation but had since become jealous, hostile and timid (Casati 1891).

The sixth step of Nuer history was an early Nuer political dynamic (C.1898-1940s), when Anglo-Egyptians invaded Rolnath. Turkish armed merchants who were looking for slaves conquered Shilluk Kingdom earlier, established a center there at Pashoda and among both Shilluk and Dinka at both sides of the Nile west and the east.

The first foreign contact with Nuer was in 1860 CE by Turko-Egyptians at Zeraf valley (Johnson 2009). Nuer were not affected by slave traders unlike others. The subjects of invaders were Dinka, Shilluk and Anyuak (Coriat 1939, p 232).

Nuer Mer slave trade ally got killed in 1879 at Mogog battle by Nuer which pushed out slave traders completely. There were no Nuer taken to slavery by slave traders.

The seventh step in Nuer history was an era of Nuer Prophets (C.1850-1900) with emerge of three Major Prophets such as Ngungdeng Bong Geey Diing, Deng Lekka Jil Nuan and Kulang Ket Nen Kual.

Minor Prophets were Dual Deng Lekka (Dual Diu), Nyaruai Kulang Ket and Guek Ngundeng Bong. Later on, Nuer political system changed from purely secular political system to priesthood. By the time Anglo-Egyptians were looking for resources, also the Nuer were looking for resources among the Dinka, Anuak and Burrun.

The world was in chaos during the time because of territorial conquest by strongest to swallow the weakest. The First World War started in 1914 between European Nations. The first phase of Nuer expansion to the east completed and settlement was made. Nuer social, political and economic lives was about to change with emerge of new political rivals. Advanced Turks and Anglo-Egyptians in other hand were desired for territorial expansion as Nuer were.

Now, Nuer had settled politically along the Nile Basin, occupied the space 35000 Square miles from west Nile to Ethiopians border to the east. Late 19th century to early 20th centuries were centuries of serious political struggle. Anglo-Egyptians were interested to expand their colonial territories while Nuer were looking for the same territories.

Nuer were interested to continue their advance toward several more territories further east and south meanwhile Anglo-Egyptians was stopping it. British colonial government was terming Nuer expansion to more territories as a raiding for Dinka cattle and Anyuakland whereby they were calling their raiding on Nuer as a government patrolling.

These two different ideologies from two different expansionist collided during the Prophets Era. Coriat 1939, p 232) (John W. Burton 1975 p, 97). Ngungdeng directed the building of pyramid from 1900 and finished in 1902 to symbolize central power and unity.

The eight step in Nuer history was Nuer Nation’s contact with Anglo-Egyptians condominium (C.1900-1943). Anglo-Egyptians condominium have reached to Nuer land in 1902 while it existed already at upper Nile colonial territory since 1898. Nuerland was at different point in time. Apart of colonial’s government view on Nuer, Nuer also didn’t like foreign invasion. Nuer do not want to pay tax to British colonial administration unlike British subjects.

Issue of taxation was another problem to Nuer and to British Government addition to expansion of Nuer to the lands of the obeying subjects. As a result, in 1910 policies designed by Herold McMichael by introducing cattle-tribute to Upper Nile Province. The main intention was to force Nuer to respect and to accept taxation. British colonial Government was worrying that there will be a rebellion among the submitted subjects if Nuer are not paying the tax.

However, British tried lower tax to be pay by Nuer while others are paying high tax compare to the Nuer. Nuer territorial conquest now facing different political dynamic. British government who governing the Dinka and Anyuak was trying to subdue the Nuer as well. Nuer in other hand were trying to advance to wider its frontier too far South, North and further east pushing Anyuak and Burrun to the border of Abyssinia.

The beginning of Heterogeneity of colonial territory of Southern Sudan, from (C.1933 to 1937). Nuer expansion has come to complete ending. In 1943, British Nuer district Commissioners held a meeting with intention to create a Nuer Confederal state to encourage other minority to join it later. Emerge of Second World War and the collapse of colonialism in Africa hindrance establishment of Nuer state. Southern Sudan heterogeneity began in 1947 by Juba historic conference which made Nuer to become part of Sudanese state.

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